
Welcome to our home

The restaurant

It is in the elegant dining room of the castle that we serve you a healthy, seasonal cuisine, made with regional products from local producers (fish from the estuary, seafood, farm poultry, goat cheese farmers) not to mention the natural vegetables from our garden. Reservation required.
Online booking

Chambres et table au château en Charente-Maritime
Chambres et table au château en Charente-Maritime
Chambres et table au château en Charente-Maritime
Chambres et table au château en Charente-Maritime

Contact us

CHATEAU DES SALLES - Sylvie COUILLAUD - 61, rue du Gros Chêne -17240 Saint-Fort-sur-Gironde
Téléphone: +33.(0) - E-Mail: chateaudessalles@wanadoo.fr
English-German spoken

Private car park